Saturday, June 26, 2010

My introduction; Why Mercy?

Hello and good evening and God's blessings to you all,

My name is E.A. (I'm currently using initials for security purposes), and must confess that I'm a little excited. This is my very first blog! It probably isn't a big thing for most, but it's rather soul affirming in a way, to be able to share my ideas with you. Personally, being able to communicate the way one thinks and feels about something important to them is a sort of affirmation of existence.

Let me introduce myself even further. I live in Wisconsin, U.S.A., in a very picturesque part of the state. I cannot walk ten feet without seeing a tree and that's my idea of beauty. Some of you who have been raised in the Plains states, for example, might disagree. For you, the sight of rolling grain might stir your heart. I guess it's all in how you look at it, some people like trees while others grain. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" as the saying goes.

You might be asking yourself, why is this lady writing a blog at all, especially about mercy. One of the reasons I'm writing about it is because I believe it to be sorely lacking in this world. It seems mankind is too enthralled with itself to care about the hardship of others, even when that hardship is brought on by their own actions. I found myself guilty of this past week. One of my co-workers made a mistake that set us back a few hours. This person has made a similar mistake earlier and cost the company quite a bit of money and forced us into overtime. Our schedule was already full, and more overtime meant time away from friends and family. I found myself comparing my actions to my co-workers, and of course in my fallen nature, I came out ahead. Not only that, but I started to criticize this person openly to my other co-workers. I lost sight of the fact that I make mistake too, and in my imperfect nature, I elevated myself over another human being. In short, I was unmerciful.

Mercy is one of the key tenants of Christianity. God, who is not only the Judge, but the lover of our souls, didn't spare His Son, but instead, sent Him on the ultimate mission of mercy. He chose to die in our place. We wouldn't feel desolation after death. How merciful He is, that he should be thinking of us, who have done everything in our power to separate ourselves from His holiness. We, (myself definitely included) deserve to feel His judgement, but because of the sin we (I) have committed. But thank the Lord, I have accepted His mercy through Jesus Christ. I am free! I no longer am bound by my sins, even though I am quite capable of falling into old ways. Mercy is abounding in me because I'm no longer under the judgment of God! I can be at peace with myself and I'm free!

1 Peter 1:3

I'll try to post more about mercy tomorrow. God bless.

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