Hope this New Year will find you well and happy in Christ Jesus!
As I've previously written, I'm researching the subject of Godly mercy for a book that I'm writting about the subject. Maybe it's time that I write down what I've found out so far.
Currently, I'm looking at the Old Testament writings about mercy. Some verse, while they don't specifically mention mercy, they do mention concepts closely related to it, such as Micah 6:8, "He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth Jehovah require of thee, but to do justly, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with thy God?"
This is what I've come up with so far (with the help of some study aids). Micah 6:8 tells us to remember that God has shown us what is right and good, and in return Jehovah "requires" us to act justly to one another, to "love kindness", and walk in humility before God.
It seems to me the "act justly" is the hardest part of this commandment. We as human beings are well equiped to accuse and curse those whom we see as sinners, but when it comes to our own sin, we turn a blind eye. This is not what God intends however, because this is in direct violation of his requirement to walk humbly before Him. Acting completely justly would entail earnestly examining our own actions and thoughts to see if we have sinned in any capacity even remotely simular to that of the sinner in question, and then showing compassion even when discipline is needed. Sometimes that act of discpline hurts the sinner in the short run, but is meant to pursuade them not to do the act again, or something more dire and destructive might happen to them is not in the physical, than supernatural. If not in the immediate world, than in the eternal. This is an ultimate act of mercy; to show the sinner that their actions deserve a more severe punishment than what they are getting right now. All of this must come with humility, since Christians must always consider that they too were once condemned by the law, but now dwell in Christ's love and mercy.
I'll try posting more on the subject in the upcoming days and weeks a head.
Love in Christ to all my Brother's and Sister's.
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